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Thanks to the 4Life opportunity and the support of the wonderful International Networks Team in Europe, I now live a completely different lifestyle than I did before. For more than ten years, I worked as a human resources field consultant. My career took my time, energy, and health. Although I was moving forward, I wasn’t building anything lasting for myself or my future, and I wasn’t devoting the necessary time to the truly important aspects of my life. Today, thanks to 4Life, I live a completely different lifestyle and I have the ideal tool that can help others do the same.
Sharing the opportunity with people is one of the greatest gifts that life has offered me. I’m thankful for the invitation of my dear friend and brother, Presidential Diamond Arne Maus, to join 4Life. Because of his invitation, today I have the honor, privilege, and responsibility to share information about success, health, and freedom with others. I feel that it’s unacceptable not to share this information with every human being we cross paths with every day. Everyone needs this opportunity, even if they don’t know it yet!
Since joining 4Life, I’ve experienced personal and professional growth. I’ve also discovered the importance of teamwork. To work, live, dream, laugh, cry, and celebrate with my team has been one of the greatest riches during these past few years.
This achievement is not mine alone. It’s the result of dedication, commitment, and true teamwork. It’s evidence of the quality of the leadership we have in Europe from International Diamond Sarai Jacobs Muñoz, Gold International Diamond Carme Solà Xalabardé, International Diamond Sabine Toenjes Maus and Gold International Diamond Àngels Muñoz Estape. I’m thankful for their wisdom, time, and patience.
This achievement is also a result of the commitment of many leaders. It’s the result of the conviction and faith that we have the greatest opportunity in history, and that it's worth it to give it the time needed to grow. I’m thankful for the efforts of the International Networks Team in Portugal. They always lend their support and they never give up. They face all of their difficulties and obstacles together. They always believe! I’m thankful to the leaders of Lisbon, Coimbra, Beja, Évora, and Porto for guiding this project—they are champions!
I’m also thankful for my daughter Leonor, who is the biggest fan of 4Life, even though she is only three-years-old. Despite having to suffer with my absences and sometimes having to accompany me to meetings and presentations, she says that she wants to work with me instead of going to school or out to play. Children easily recognize the best of life!
© 2025 4Life Trademarks, LLC, 4Life Research C.S.A. LLC
La información en este sitio se aplica solamente en los Estados Unidos.
^Según estudio preclínico.
1 Yu, L.; Iloba, I.; Cruickshank, D.; Jensen, G.S. Ensayo de viabilidad que explora biomarcadores relacionados con el sistema inmunológico correspondientes a la rapidez en la vigilancia inmunológica y los cambios en las citoquinas después de consumir un suplemento nutracéutico que contiene péptidos de bajo peso molecular a base de calostro y huevo. Current Issues in Molecular Biology. 2024, 46, 6710-6724. (En inglés).
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